Words Matter: A Case of Deadlifts

Words matter. Like the words “Princess Unicorn”. Let me explain.

You say a word like “deadlift” to a person who’s ever been told by a medical pro they should never do the exercise because they have a bad back or to someone who’s DONE deadlifts that have been followed up with pain: What’s a trainer to do? Call it something else, that’s what.

Let’s take my client I’ll lovingly call Bex. She’s stayed away from deadlifts for most of her adult life because any time she’s tried one, it’s hurt her low back and, as someone who has a LOT of moving parts in her life (including lecturing on her feet), she doesn’t have time for discomfort.

We spent three months working to the day I tricked Bex into doing a deadlift. We worked on core stability with dead bugs and Pallof presses and plank variations. We worked on hinge patterns like all types of bridges, kneeling hinges with and without bands; single leg deadlifts; standing band-resisted hinges. It’s OK if these terms mean nothing to you. The point is: Bex worked her tush off to get to this moment, which I will script out:

See movie below without the talking :) 

Princess Unicorns are a part of life and I believe we all need to know how to do them properly FOR life. And for strength and bone density and badassery and all that jazz. But one day Bex will be helping her kids move into dorms and that will involve picking up and carrying boxes so… Princess Unicorns. Deadlifts. Whatever helps you get them done. They’re made for life.

Have questions? Concerns? Fears or dreams? Email me at izzy@izzyfit.com or schedule a call here!


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